
aiohttp uses standard logging for tracking the library activity.

We have the following loggers enumerated by names:

  • 'aiohttp.access'

  • 'aiohttp.client'

  • 'aiohttp.internal'

  • 'aiohttp.server'

  • 'aiohttp.web'

  • 'aiohttp.websocket'

You may subscribe to these loggers for getting logging messages. The page does not provide instructions for logging subscribing while the most friendly method is logging.config.dictConfig() for configuring whole loggers in your application.

Logging does not work out of the box. It requires at least minimal 'logging' configuration. Example of minimal working logger setup:

import logging
from aiohttp import web

app = web.Application()
web.run_app(app, port=5000)

Added in version 4.0.0.

Access logs

Access logs are enabled by default. If the debug flag is set, and the default logger 'aiohttp.access' is used, access logs will be output to stderr if no handlers are attached. Furthermore, if the default logger has no log level set, the log level will be set to logging.DEBUG.

This logging may be controlled by aiohttp.web.AppRunner() and aiohttp.web.run_app().

To override the default logger, pass an instance of logging.Logger to override the default logger.


Use web.run_app(app, access_log=None) to disable access logs.

In addition, access_log_format may be used to specify the log format.

Format specification

The library provides custom micro-language to specifying info about request and response:




The percent sign


Remote IP-address (IP-address of proxy if using reverse proxy)


Time when the request was started to process


The process ID of the child that serviced the request


First line of request


Response status code


Size of response in bytes, including HTTP headers


The time taken to serve the request, in seconds


The time taken to serve the request, in seconds with fraction in %.06f format


The time taken to serve the request, in microseconds





The default access log format is:

'%a %t "%r" %s %b "%{Referer}i" "%{User-Agent}i"'

Added in version 2.3.0.

access_log_class introduced.

Example of a drop-in replacement for the default access logger:

from aiohttp.abc import AbstractAccessLogger

class AccessLogger(AbstractAccessLogger):

    def log(self, request, response, time):
        self.logger.info(f'{request.remote} '
                         f'"{request.method} {request.path} '
                         f'done in {time}s: {response.status}')

Added in version 4.0.0.

AccessLogger.log() can now access any exception raised while processing the request with sys.exc_info().

Added in version 4.0.0.

If your logging needs to perform IO you can instead inherit from aiohttp.abc.AbstractAsyncAccessLogger:

from aiohttp.abc import AbstractAsyncAccessLogger

class AccessLogger(AbstractAsyncAccessLogger):

    async def log(self, request, response, time):
        logging_service = request.app['logging_service']
        await logging_service.log(f'{request.remote} '
                                  f'"{request.method} {request.path} '
                                  f'done in {time}s: {response.status}')

This also allows access to the results of coroutines on the request and response, e.g. request.text().

Gunicorn access logs

When Gunicorn is used for deployment, its default access log format will be automatically replaced with the default aiohttp’s access log format.

If Gunicorn’s option access_logformat is specified explicitly, it should use aiohttp’s format specification.

Gunicorn’s access log works only if accesslog is specified explicitly in your config or as a command line option. This configuration can be either a path or '-'. If the application uses a custom logging setup intercepting the 'gunicorn.access' logger, accesslog should be set to '-' to prevent Gunicorn to create an empty access log file upon every startup.

Error logs

aiohttp.web uses a logger named 'aiohttp.server' to store errors given on web requests handling.

This log is enabled by default.

To use a different logger name, pass logger (logging.Logger instance) to the aiohttp.web.AppRunner() constructor.